get rich quick scheme.
when handled wrong, the ingredients are fatal.
girl-1 hands girl-2 a small object that looks like a fruit flake, saying that even one lick of that would kill you within the hour.
girl-2, while taking it somewhere, trips and chokes on it. she finds the nearest boy and makes love to him until she starts to die, when he runs away leaving her crying on the ground.
girl-1 and boy-1 have heard the news. boy-1 puts another two of the small poisonous objects on the table between them. girl-1 eats one of them, thinking boy-1 will do the same.
'your crazy' he says in a laid back, almost smug manner. he walks away from her
'NOOOO' she screams, and then lays down, screaming and crying.
a grown up boy-1 is sitting in a finely furnished, mansion.