Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Long Term

When i was younger i had a recurring dream that the door bell would ring, I'd open it to find a man a bit like Mr. Ben in a bowler hat and a black suit at the door. Somehow I'd know who he was and would run away screaming. I'd try and find all of my family and we'd hide somewhere; usually under a bed or in a wardrobe. We'd see him walk straight past us.
But then we'd realise that someone was missing, one of us hadn't hidden in time, and the Bowler-hat-man had killed them.
The only thing that ever changed was who died
it was never me.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


My house is a little flat that is right on a main road. i open the door becasue a bus has pulled up outside my house, suddenly a flow of people barge past me, including my dad and Edd.
My dad has a metal thing on his hand
and Edd is laying on my sofa in a blanket, i'm next to him.
the next day he gives me a painting of me, with the word 'adorable' on it
my mum, aunt, and grandma are discussing the painting. mum decides i'm going to marry E, and is delighted that she has married off her eighteen children.
(i dont really have 17 siblings)

Sunday, 21 February 2010


get rich quick scheme.
when handled wrong, the ingredients are fatal.
girl-1 hands girl-2 a small object that looks like a fruit flake, saying that even one lick of that would kill you within the hour.
girl-2, while taking it somewhere, trips and chokes on it. she finds the nearest boy and makes love to him until she starts to die, when he runs away leaving her crying on the ground.

girl-1 and boy-1 have heard the news. boy-1 puts another two of the small poisonous objects on the table between them. girl-1 eats one of them, thinking boy-1 will do the same.
'your crazy' he says in a laid back, almost smug manner. he walks away from her
'NOOOO' she screams, and then lays down, screaming and crying.

a grown up boy-1 is sitting in a finely furnished, mansion.