Saturday 22 September 2012


This is aroudn the time of my operation so i do actually know waht this means

I'm walking down Eastleigh high street and there is a little girl walking down them iddle of the road on her own. i look around for her mother or father but she's totally abandoned. i go to pick her up and search around while she screams 'MUUUUUUM' at the top of her lungs. finally i meet someone who can show me where her mum is. By this point the girl has gotten heavy so we turn her into a basket of onions to make her easier to carry (:S) we go to the top of a tall building to find her mum sat at a desk crying, she screa,s with delight when she sees the onions and grabs then from me.

Then the scene changes. im not longer in the dream i'm just looking at a scene like watching a film. there is a dad and two young boys walking through what i can only describe as wasteland. the boys are jumping around and playful but the dad looks concerned as he can see thick black swirling mist in front of hhim. he grabs the boys to his sides and edges his face closer to the mist. suddenly his eyes go wide and he pick up his hildren adn runs in the opposite direction, the mist swiriling and biting after him untill with a horrible scream from the dad, it engulfs them completely. then it goes back to how it was the the two young boys and their dad are gone