Saturday 26 July 2014


The first thing I remember is being on a bus near my house and pressig thebutton loads of times as it went slightly past my stop. The bus driver stopped as a man with an axe slowly walked up the pavement and said "are you getting out then?" I ducked under the window and said"Yeah I'm getting out while theres a man with an axe out there!"  Then a chinese man with cuts o his face fellinto the busses windscreen, he had been hung by the neck to a tree above.
I then remember going shopping for shoes and seeing a sign by a little girl who'd lost her family. She said she'd wait on the same road corner every day forsomeone to come and get her. I went to get her but she said she didn't mean just for someoe to get her but to takeher toher family. Eventually we found her family and they hadnt seen her fo years and were really grateful.
Then I remember being at work ad becoming schizophrenic. Objects kept changing into other things infront of my eyes and my coworkers changed into different people. At on point to men kept shouting at me so I screamed "Fuck off!" to them before they changed into the kitchen staff at work who had just been talking to me, so I started crying and said "oh not you, im sorry!" I think the man with the axe turned out to be in my mind